
Rainy Day Outfits

Here on the East Coast we haven't had a nice sunny day in about a week and I have been struggling with what to wear. I want to look cute and classy but also stay warm and dry. I have tried to be creative, so here are a few outfits I have come up with. OUTFIT #1 Since I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to necessities, I did not have an umbrella for quite a while. I have been very dependent on jackets and hats alone to keep me dry. The first outfit I wore in this intense rain included leggings paired with hunter boots, a cute and soft sweatshirt, a hat, and a thick rain jacket. I found this picture on Pintrest which is very similar to what the outfit I wore looked like. I got my leggings from the Under Armour outlet and my sweatshirt from target. Any hat works obviously but I rocked a hat I got from my University that says La Salle Golf. I also did not wear a vest instead I wore a rain jacket from Nike. This jacket is probably pretty pricey. The only re...

Fun Quote! (Read more for full quote)

The kind of preppy we all aspire to be

Winter Shoe Must Haves!

We are in the middle of Winter here on the East Coast and I've been thinking a lot about show wear! I've come to realize I wear the same five shoes throughout the cold season. My most worn shoes are definitely my L.L.Bean Boots  Click the links on where to buy: LL Bean   Sperry Tommy Hilfiger I personally really like the way these boots look, although some may not. These shoes are very practical and keep my feet really warm. Recently I attended the Eagles Super Bowl Parade (Go Eagles) and the high temperature that day was 32 degrees and these shoes kept my feet warm all day. There was also a lot of mud on my boots after attending the parade and when I got home the mud wiped off the boots with little effort. Above, the boots are pictured in blue but they also come in brown. They also come in a shorter version that goes to just the ankle. These shoes are kind of expensive, going against the name of my blog, but I have had these shoes for four years and they stil...

About me :)

Hello ladies! My name is Mary Eyde and I am a sophomore at a small University in Philadelphia Pennsylvania called La Salle. I am studying Political Science and hope to be a politician one day. I would describe my style as low budget prep. I have staple items in my wardrobe that every prepster has such as hunter boots, bean boots, and a few vineyard vines shep shirts; but besides that, every item of clothing I wear I try to get for under 20$! I am a broke college student with no job during the school year so I ration my money as best as I can. The way I dress is very important to me and that is why I spend most of my money on clothes. I am a strong believer in look good, feel good. I do a lot of thrift store and small mall store chain shopping to find my outfits. You'd be surprised how many Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren items I have found at the local Good Will. Hopefully you stick around for my blog journey! Love, Mary