
Showing posts from March, 2018

Cute Quote of the Day

Love this quote

Rainy Day Outfits

Here on the East Coast we haven't had a nice sunny day in about a week and I have been struggling with what to wear. I want to look cute and classy but also stay warm and dry. I have tried to be creative, so here are a few outfits I have come up with. OUTFIT #1 Since I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to necessities, I did not have an umbrella for quite a while. I have been very dependent on jackets and hats alone to keep me dry. The first outfit I wore in this intense rain included leggings paired with hunter boots, a cute and soft sweatshirt, a hat, and a thick rain jacket. I found this picture on Pintrest which is very similar to what the outfit I wore looked like. I got my leggings from the Under Armour outlet and my sweatshirt from target. Any hat works obviously but I rocked a hat I got from my University that says La Salle Golf. I also did not wear a vest instead I wore a rain jacket from Nike. This jacket is probably pretty pricey. The only re...